1. Name: The name of the organisation shall be the Anglia Region Pensioners' Association (NPC).
2. Affiliations: Affiliation should be open to all bona fide pensioners groups and branches and such other appropriate bodies having common objectives and working on behalf of pensioners in Norfolk, Suffolk, NE Essex and immediately adjacent areas.
3. Aims & Objectives: The aims and objectives shall be to:
(a) Promote the welfare and interests of all persons of 50 years of age and over within the association's area.
(b) Act as a unitary organisation within the area when approaching members of the British and European Parliaments, Health Authorities, County and District Councils and other statutory bodies, voluntary organisations and the media dealing with matters affecting our members.
(c) Promote policies and powers that would be beneficial to all retired persons.
(d) Act at all times and in all respects without discrimination on grounds of gender, colour, race, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
4. Administration: (a) The officers, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held in March each year, shall consist of the Chairperson, Regional Secretary, two Vice-Chairpersons (one a woman), NPC Executive Member, four members for the National Council, Treasurer, also two people to examine the accounts, one not directly connected with the Anglia Region Pensioners' Association (NPC).
(b) There shall be an elected working Executive Committee comprising of sixteen persons inclusive of the officers, to provide a balance of six persons each from Norfolk and Suffolk and four from NE Essex.
(c) Nominations for officers and committee members must be received by 26th February. In this event, voting at the AGM should relate to the nominations received. Where insufficient representatives are elected, additional nominations may be taken on the occasion of the AGM purely with a view to fill the vacancies.
(d) Nominations, except where otherwise agreed, shall come from groups, branches and other organisations which have paid their affiliation fees for the proceeding year and undertaken to re-affiliate for the ensuing twelve months.
(e) The Executive Committee shall have the power to accept, in the event of a casual vacancy occurring, or if another valid reason arises, the need to invite someone with specific
(f) The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for and on behalf of the membership between one general representatives' meeting and the next.
5. Affiliation Fees: The affiliation fee for each year shall be agreed at the March AGM and shall become payable after that date.
6. Meetings: (a) The Executive Committee shall meet as often as is required and not less than three times a year with seven members to form a quorum.
(b) A minimum of three representatives' meetings shall be held each year, including the AGM with fifteen members to form a quorum.
(c) To assist representatives with planning and dealing with other commitments, the Regional Secretary at the end of each year shall notify provisional dates for all regular meetings in the next year.
(d) Where possible, reminders of the meetings with details of dates, times and venues, will be despatched 21 days in advance of all meetings excepting the AGM when 28 days notice will be provided.
(e) Up to four representatives from each branch or organisation are invited to participate at each representative meeting. Other members may attend as observers.
(f) Notification of meetings will normally be distributed to a nominated representative from each branch. It is the responsibility of individual groups to notify the Regional Secretary of the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e.mail details where available, of all representatives and advise of any changes in representation.
7. Finances: (a) Through the Honorary Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall have powers to obtain, collect and receive money in the form of affiliation fees, donations, subscriptions, contributions, legacies, grants and other lawful fundraising means.
(b) The income of the Anglia Region Pensioners' Association (NPC) shall be used only towards the promotion of the aims and objectives as set out under item 3 of this constitution.
(c) Payment of 'out of pocket' expenses may be made to any officer or approved representative at a rate agreed by the Executive Committee.
(d) Audited accounts for the year shall normally be presented at the AGM for membership approval in a manner that is easily understood.
8. Voting: All bona fide representatives are entitled to vote when a motion or resolution is put. This will normally be by a show of hands unless a ballot is called for by the majority of persons present.
9. Correspondence: In normal circumstances correspondence shall be sent to the Regional Secretary who will respond on headed notepaper.
10. Changes to the Constitution: Any proposal to change or alter this constitution, once ageed, must be notified and delivered to the Regional Secretary not less than 56 days before the AGM. This allows them to be circulated to affiliated groups in advance of the AGM giving them the opportunity to discuss the proposals in advance. A two thirds majority of bona fide representatives present and voting will be required to make any change.
11. Dissolution: If the executive committee decides at any time, for financial or other reasons, it has become necessary to dissolve the Anglia Region Pensioners' Association (NPC), a meeting of all affiliated branches, groups or other organisations must be called with a minimum of 21 days notice being given. A suitable motion of explanation must also be provided and voted upon at the meeting. All outstanding funds and other assets must revert to the National Pensioners Convention.