We are the Anglia Region Pensioners Association (NPC) or Anglia NPC for short, one of 17 regions that go to form the National Pensioners Convention, a non-party political organisation that speaks for 1.2 million pensioners nationwide. The National website is worth checking and can be found at: www.npcuk.org
The make-up of membership includes, affiliated pensioners groups, local seniors forums and union retired members groups along with numerous organisations or companies that are involved with the senior retired sector in some way.
An increasing individual membership base is appearing, since the introduction of this option in 2013. This arrangement allows us to interact with the retired sector on a number of issues.
However, this does not distract us from our continual campaigning on various issues such as universal pensioner benefits i.e. the state pension, freedom bus pass and the winter fuel allowance; the NHS, and the dignity and care of the elder person.
We are the Anglia Region Pensioners Association (NPC) or Anglia NPC for short, one of 17 regions that go to form the National Pensioners Convention, a non-party political organisation that speaks for 1.2 million pensioners nationwide. The National website is worth checking and can be found at: www.npcuk.org
The make-up of membership includes, affiliated pensioners groups, local seniors forums and union retired members groups along with numerous organisations or companies that are involved with the senior retired sector in some way.
An increasing individual membership base is appearing, since the introduction of this option in 2013. This arrangement allows us to interact with the retired sector on a number of issues.
However, this does not distract us from our continual campaigning on various issues such as universal pensioner benefits i.e. the state pension, freedom bus pass and the winter fuel allowance; the NHS, and the dignity and care of the elder person.